News archive
News older than one year.
Popular booklet “Mercury in the Environment” published (in Czech)
The Strategie AV21 book series of the Academia Publishing House introduces the individual research programmes. One of them, with participation of the Institute of Geology staff, is the Diversity of Life and Ecosystem Health. The activities of the program are coordinated by the Biology Center of the Czech Academy of Sciences. Within the activities of this programme, a booklet in Czech language titled “Mercury in the Environment” was published, being authored by Tomáš Navrátil and Jan Rohovec.
The Vojtěch Náprstek Medal awarded to Radek Mikuláš
The Medal of Vojtěch Náprstek for promotion of science to the public (given by the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences since 2003) was awarded to three new laureates. One of them is Radek Mikuláš of the Institute of Geology, CAS, v. v. i. He is the second winner of the Vojtěch Náprstek Medal of the Institute: from the first winner was Václav Cílek who was awarded the medal in 2012.
Research on carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks from India
In December 2015, research scientist Lukáš Ackerman was involved in the field work on carbonatites and associated alkaline rocks (phonolite, trachyte) in Middle India (localities Amba Dongar and Panwad-Kanwat) within the framework of research project of the Czech Geological Survey. These sites are located on the northernmost part of world known Deccan flood basalts erupted on the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary. The collected samples will be for the first time analyzed for the concentrations of platinum-group element as well as osmium isotopic compositions in order to provide insights to carbonatite melt sources and possible role of parental melt crustal contamination.
Günther Kletetschka and his doctoral student published a paper on space weathering in the Icarus journal (Impact Factor: 3.038)
Laser irradiation of olivine as a proxy for micrometeorite impacts produced nanophase Fe0. This analog of space weathering was characterized by frequency-dependent susceptibility monitoring . Obtained data allow the modeling of space-weathering conditions in the environment of the Solar System.
To see the paper click here
Mercury environmental problem - Tomáš Navrátil and Jan Rohovec in the Czech Radio Plus –Leonardo Magazine
Mercury-containing thermometers were withdrawn from the market over six years ago. Amalgam dental fillings are on a retreat, nutrition experts warn against mercury-contaminated fish, and mercury was one of the main suspects in the case of Tycho de Brahe death. Is mercury really so dangerous? And what risk does it really pose for our health and for the environment? A view of geochemists is presented by Tereza Burianová.
The recorded broadcast is here (in Czech)
Frontiers of Solitude Symposium
The artistic and scientific project Frontiers of Solitude comes to its final phase: the main exhibition will take place in the Školská 28 Gallery, Prague, on 2nd February to 4th March 2015. Works created by Czech, Norwegian and Icelandic artists will reflect the landscapes of Iceland, northern Norway and northern Bohemia visited by the artists within three expeditions together with experts in Earth sciences, biology and ecology (Institute of Geology CAS was represented by Václav Cílek and Radek Mikuláš during the northern Bohemian expedition). An extensive catalogue will be published at the occasion of the exhibition in Czech and English.
For more information see here; Web of the project; Photos
Professor Zdeněk V. Špinar - memorial meeting
A memorial meeting dedicated to the outstanding Czech palaeontologist Professor Zdeněk V. Špinar took place on 11th November 2015 at the 100 yearsʼ anniversary of his birth and 20 yearsʼ anniversary of his death. Photo gallery.
A new book "Landscape and geodiversity" was published (in Czech)
The book subtitled "Inanimate nature as a basis for landscape and cultural values" was recently published in co-operation with Mendel University in Brno and the Institute of Geology of the CAS, v. v. i. It is authored by Aleš Bajer, Vojen Ložek, Lenka Lisá and Václav Cílek.
Two publications on-line
Václav Cílek and Vojen Ložek are co-authors of two freely accessible publications:
Entering the landscape: on the nature and memory of central Bohemia (in Czech)
Central Bohemia : nature, man, landscape (in Czech)
An article about Leona Chadimová was published in the Vesmír journal (in Czech)
Marek Janáč published an article "Leona Chadimová: Beauties in the Dust" of the series "I work for the Czech Academy of Sciences" in No. 11 of the Vesmír journal. It deals not only with research activities of our colleague but also with her own pathway to science.