RNDr. Vojen Ložek, DrSc. (1925–2020)
On the 20th August this year, we said our last good-bye to Dr. Vojen Ložek – an outstanding Czech naturalist of worldwide reputation, and an emeritus employee of the Institute of Geology. He was a foremost expert in European nature, focusing his effort on the study of the Quaternary and especially molluscan biology. Vojen Ložek was not only an excellent scientist receiving many awards (e.g., the golden Albrecht Penck medal in honour of his advances in Quaternary studies in global scale and the Award of the Minister of the Environment CR) but also an endowed teacher and a highly vital man: he was loving his fieldwork and was always ready to deliver brilliant lectures to the professional audience as well as to the public. His passing is a great loss to many of his students, colleagues and followers. Nevertheless, his work is staying with us. His memory be honoured.