Recent projects

Grant projects

Czech Science Foundation, GACR: GA14-18183S
Sequence stratigraphy of Devonian bioevents – sea level changes at the transition from greenhouse to icehouse world
Leader of project: Bábek, O. (Palacký University in Olomouc)
Time of solution: 2014–2016.

Czech Science Foundation, GACR: GA14-16124S
Refinement of lower Silurian chronostratigraphy: proposal of new GSSPs of the Aeronian and Homerian stages
Leader of project: Štorch, P. (Institute of Geology of the CAS, v. v. i.)
Time of solution: 2014–2016.

Czech Science Foundation, GACR: GAP210/12/2018
Multidisciplinary approach in Mid-Paleozoic biotic crisis assessment - Devonian Daleje and Kacak events (Prague Basin, Czech Republic)
Granted by: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic
Leader of project: Vodrážková, S. (Czech Geological Survey)
Time of solution: 2012–2016.

International Geoscience Programme (IGCP) projects under the auspices of UNESCO

IGCP Project No. 596: Climate change and biodiversity patterns in the Mid-Paleozoic (Early Devonian to Late Carboniferous)
International leaders: P. Königshof, Germany,T.J. Suttner, Austria, I.A. Boncheva, Bulgaria, N.G. Izokh,Russia, Ta Hoa, Phuong, Vietnam, T. Charoentitirat, Thailand, J.A. Waters, USA, W. Kiessling, Germany
National Coordinator S. Vodrážková (Czech Geological Survey)
Time of solution: 2011–2015.