Born 12. 12. 1974 in Louny; Private data: married, wife Renata, son Bruno (*20.7. 2005) and daughter Veronika (*2.10. 2007).

Education and degrees:
1999-2007: Doctor of Philosophy Degree (Ph.D.), Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Mineral Resources Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
1997-1999: Master of Science Degree (M.Sc.), Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
1994-1997: Bachelor Degree (Bc.), Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague
1989-1993: Secondary education, Gymnasium of Václav Hlavatý, Louny

Professional career:
since 2000: Research worker at the department of exogenic geology and geochemistry; Institute of Geology of the Czech Academy of Sciences
1997-1999: Assistant at the department of geofactors, Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, V Holesovickach 41, 182 09 Prague 8, Czech Republic

Research interests:
Environmental mineralogy and geochemistry (Arsenic solid phase speciation); Karstology and Speleogenesis; Geomorphology, Sandstone and granite landscape evolution

Selected main projects:

1999-to present: Project NAMAK: Research of the unique salt karst in Iran (co-organizer and member of 11 geological expeditions to Iran)


2019-2021: Stress- and hydraulic field-controlled weathering and erosion of granular rocks; Czech title: Napětím a hydraulickým polem řízené zvětrání a eroze granulárních hornin. (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) ; leader: J. Bruthans; co-leaders: M. Filippi and J. Schweigstillová

2016-2018: Effect of gravity induced stress on sandstone erosion: physical and numerical modelling; Czech title: Vliv napětí daného gravitací na erozi pískovce: fyzikální a numerické modelování. (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) ; leader: J. Bruthans; co-leaders: M. Filippi and J. Schweigstillová

2013-2015: Multi-approach study of processes in sandstone exposures: new view on study and interpretation of selected sandstone landforms; Czech title: Multi-disciplinární studium procesu v pískovcových výchozech: nový prístup k výzkumu a interpretaci vzniku vybraných pískovcových forem. (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) ; leader: J. Bruthans; co-leaders: M. Filippi and J. Schweigstillová

2010-2012: Cryogenic cave carbonates: Mechanisms of formation and relationship to permafrost depth; Czech title: Kryogenní jeskynní karbonáty: Mechanismy vzniku a vztah k hloubkovému dosahu permafrostu. (Grant Agency of the Czech Republic) ; leader: K. Žák; firts co-worker: M. Filippi.

2008-2010: Salt karst in Zagros Mts., Iran: Hydrogeology, dating and evolution; Czech title: Solný kras v pohorí Zagros, Irán: Hydrogeologie, datování a vývoj (Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences; leader: J. Bruthans, co-leader: M. Filippi.

2007-2009: Speciation and mobility of arsenic in the soil – water system in locality affected by historical mining; Czech title: Speciace a mobilita arsenu v systému půda – voda na lokalitě postižené historickou důlní (Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences; leader: M. Filippi, co-leader: P. Drahota.

2005-2007: Evolution and dynamics of the salt karst in Zagros Mts., Iran: Denudation rates, age of karst forms, governing factors; Czech title: Vývoj a rychlosti procesů v solném krasu v pohoří Zagros, Irán: rychlosti enudace, stáří krasových jevů a řídící faktory (Grant Agency of the Czech Academy of Sciences); leader: J. Bruthnas, co-leader: M. Filippi.

2000-2002: Elemental mobility in the oxidation zone of mineral deposits in temperate zone climatic conditions of Central Europe; Czech title: Mobilita prvků v oxidační zóně ložisek rud v podmínkách mírného klimatu střední Evropy (Rio Tinto Technology Development, Charles University); leader: Z. Pertold.
